ISG 2024 Announcements / Updates / Program Changes

New Session: Vital Oldies with Adapted Old Martial Arts Part 1, Room 211, Day 2, 9.30 - 12.30

ISG General Assembly (Johannes Uthoff Hall) moved to 15:30-16:00

Only 4 tickets for the hessian gala dinner left. Register here or at the conference desk

New: Shaolin Yi Jin Jing - Yijin Jing 16:30-17:30 in room 211

Shaolin Yi Jin Jing - Yijin Jing / 易筋經 (Muscle/Tendon Change Classic) is a traditional Chinese exercise that contains a series of movements, coordinated with breathing. It can enhance physical health dramatically when practiced consistently. In Chinese yi means "change", jin means "tendons and sinews", while jing means "methods". It is a relatively intense form of exercise that aims at strengthening the muscles and tendons, thus promoting strength and flexibility, speed and stamina, balance and coordination of the body. There are many versions of Yijin Jing that are all claimed to be derived from Shaolin, where many of the Chinese Kung Fu originated from as well, around 1,500 years ago (Yijin Jing - Wikipedia). It’s very effective to help adults, especially older adults, to deal with chronic pain.

A sharing from Dr William Wong:

After learning 4 hours Yi Jin Jing from Dr Chu and have practiced it for 3-4 weeks almost daily (45 mins a day) in Nov 2023, a medical doctor (also a professor in the Faculty of Medicine at HKU) Dr William Wong wrote: “I am trying to practise it whenever I [have time]- it has greatly improved my neck pain. I used to take the strongest painkiller once a day but now at most once a week and no neck plaster. I'd say it improved by 80%.”

For more information, see