04.09.2024 - Day 3


Time schedule
Registration opening hours: 08:00 – 13:00
Exhibition opening hours: 09:00-13:00
Innovation Forum opening hours: 09:00 – 12:00
Session Overview

11:00-11:30Coffee Break
12:00-13:00Closing andPreview of ISG 2026

Legend for Track codes
First character: Conference day (1-3)
Second character: Sequence of the session block (1-4)
Third character: Parallel session (A-L)

For example:
First conference day (1), second session block (2), third parallel session (C) = 12C

Labelling of the respective track

  1. Application Fields
  2. Dementia and Technology
  3. Sustainability and Crises / Crises and Preparedness
  4. Healing Architecture and Inclusive Environments
  5. Health and Self Esteem
  6. Ethics and DEI
  7. Housing and Daily Living
  8. Mobility and Transport
  9. Governance, Social Policy and Communication
  10. Work, Leisure and Social Participation
  11. Others

Open as Adobe PDF File (New Window). Program changes during the conferency may occur. Please check latest announcements

09.00 - 11.00

Parallel Tracks

  • Oral 31A: Robots in Nursing Care
  • Oral 31B: Virtual Reality and Gamification
  • Symposium 31C: Dementia and Technology
  • Oral 31D: Dementia and Technology
  • Symposium 31E: Health and Self Esteem
  • Oral 31F: Crises & Preparedness
  • Round Table 31G: Expanding ISG
  • Innovation Forum
Explain Track codes
First character: Conference day (1-3)
Second character: Sequence of the session block (1-4)
Third character: Parallel session (A-L)

For example:
First conference day (1), second session block (2), third parallel session (C) = 12C

Labelling of the respective track

  1. Application Fields
  2. Dementia and Technology
  3. Sustainability and Crises / Crises and Preparedness
  4. Healing Architecture and Inclusive Environments
  5. Health and Self Esteem
  6. Ethics and DEI
  7. Housing and Daily Living
  8. Mobility and Transport
  9. Governance, Social Policy and Communication
  10. Work, Leisure and Social Participation
  11. Others

Please select one of the following tracks:

Oral 31A: Robots in Nursing Care, Room 309

Chair: M. Ringwald

M. Schmidt, L. Kuesters, B. Klein:
Telepresence robots in mental health care to enable digital participation: a qualitative exploratory pilot study (885)

B.M. Hofstede, T.R.C. van Hoesel, S. Ipakchian Askari, I.S. Lelieveld, I. Bierhoff, L. de Witte, H. H. Nap:
Combining daytime structure, lifestyle-monitoring and social companionship in socially assistive robots for gerontechnology (888)

Y.-L. Tsai, S. Olatunji, H. Mahajan, R. Mudar, W. Rogers:
Evaluating robot effectiveness for older adults and their care partners (945)

R. Hervás, L. Villa, C.C. Dobrescu, T. Mondéjar:
Holistic Care System based on Affective and Proactive Robots For Older Adults (947)

J. Schoch, K. Baumgärtner, D. Moroz:
A social robot in long-term care – Use Cases, challenges and expectations from the employees’ perspective (1122)

D. Moroz, K. Baumgärtner, J. Schoch:
“Navel is like a friend.” – Acceptance of a social robot in long-term care (1121)

Oral 31B: Virtual Reality and Gamification, Room 310

Chair: J. Sehrt

S. K. Wah Chu:
Implementing Socratic Questioning Techniques and the PIRLS framework in a gamified learning activity to enhance Cognitive Functioning and Psychological Well-being in Older Adults (863)

M. Hasa:
Addressing Social Isolation and Cognitive Decline in Care Homes with Virtual Reality: Challenges and Early Benefits in Germany and Czechia (942)

S. L. Hsu, H. M. Hua, H. Hayes, J. Gardner, S. M. Wan:
Enhancing the Aging Experience with VR360 Technology (979)

J. Sehrt, M. Rafati, C. Cheema, D. Garofano, D. Hristova, E. Jäger, V. Schwind:
Auto-REBA: Improving Postural Ergonomics Using an Automatic Real-Time REBA Score in Virtual Reality (989)

P. Rolfes-Gehrmann, G. Hohenberg, D. Noll, S. Jörgens, L. Große, J. S. Lange, S. Fischer:
Therapy Laboratory for Activation of Neuromotor Skills through Serious Games in Education and Research (1007)

R. Debeuf, R. Claeys, M. Berlanger, M. Bunt, A. Debain, D. De Vlieger, M. Eggermont, M. Firouzi, S. Guida, K. Kostkova, S. Lieten, L. Omelina, S. Zaccardi, B. Jansen, E. Swinnen, D. Beckwée:
Ghostly, an electromyography-based serious game to counter muscle mass and strength loss in hospitalized older adults (1068)


Symposium 31C: Dementia and Technology, Room 311

K. Kumagai, N. P. Miyake, M. Otake-Matsuura:
AI for Dementia Prevention and Personalized Care (862,1)

H. Ozono, S. Chen, M. Nakamura, K. Yasuda:
Implementing “PC-Mei” System for Assisting and Monitoring Elderly People at Home (862,2)

H. Horie, S. Chen, M. Nakamura, K. Yasuda:
Developing Reminiscence Conversation Service Using Spoken Dialogue Agent and Interesting Images (862,3)

S. Saiki, R. Sekimoto, N. Kodama, A. Sato, M. Nakamura:
EVIDENT: A comprehensive platform for digitizing drawing-based neuropsychological assessments (862,4)

K. Kumagai, S. Simon, N. P. Miyake, M. Otake-Matsuura, W. Stork:
Development of dialogue and voice-call robot system for personalized dementia prevention and care (862,5)

S. Stock, M. Schinle, M. Gerdes, W. Stork:
A Data-Driven Approach towards an E-Health Platform for Dementia Intervention (862,6)

Oral 31D: Dementia and Technology, Room 202

Chair: M. Peters

R. Fukuda, Y. Edamatsu, F. Harada, C. Matsumoto, and T. Iwaida:
Development of “Maji-Kami AI”: Service for care staff training and care support (914)

P. Held, F. Röhrl, N. Schnell, P. König, C. Kunze:
Exploring the Potential of an Interactive Soundscape Tabletop in Dementia Care: Insights from Collaborative Development (930)

D. F. Alves, A. C. M. Gratão, P. C. Castro:
Usability of Remote Digital Interventions: An Analysis from the Perspective of Caregivers of Elderly Individuals with Dementia (931)


Symposium 31E: Health and Self Esteem, Room 125

H. Kase:
Preventing isolation of people with dementia: Effectiveness and challenges of communication robots (1038,1)

R. Yamazaki-Skov:
Phenomenological reduction with robotic media to relearn how to encounter others: Social robotics as philosophy in practice (1038,2)

X. Liu, R. Yamazaki-Skov, J. Yang, H. Kase:
Intervention Experiment of Reminiscence Group Therapy by Humanoid Robots for People with Dementia (1038,3)

J. Yang, H. Kikuchi, H.Kikuchi:
The effect of variation in repetitive utterances on users by a chat-oriented communication robot (1038,4) 

R. Makino, A. Yamamoto, K. Uchida, K. Kadota:
How can interaction analysis research contribute to the development of a conversation system between a robot and an older person with dementia? (1038,5)

M. Furukawa:
Challenges in Family Support Systems for Older Adult Individuals Living Alone Using Communication Robots (1038,6)

Symposium 31F: Crises & Preparedness, Sustainability & Crisis, Room 205

Chair: C. Schmitt

10.00 - 11.00

O.C. Elimelech, S. Rosenblum, N. Demeter:
Older Adults Everyday Technology Use During COVID-19: Three-Dimensional Perspective (923)

A. Ternés von Hattburg:
Sustainable Solutions for Aging Populations: Navigating Technological Progress (952)

A. A. Sterns, J. W. Hughes, B. Grimm, L. Larsen, R. Ranjan, O. S. Muir, F. Ma.:
Technology-enhanced medication taking and symptom monitoring (1126)

Round Table 31G: Technology & Aging Crossing Borders: Expanding ISG Membership and Chapters Across the World, Room 113

S. P. Kwon, G. Gutman and W. D. Kearns:
Technology & Aging Crossing Borders: Expanding ISG Membership and Chapters Across the World (1159)

Round Table 31G: Innovation Forum, Room 303

Chair: A. Kramer

Insights and Presentations from Pioneering Organizations

USC Leonard Davis



Vitos Herborn


11.00 - 11.30

Coffee Break (E08/E09, Building 10) and
guided tour of the exhibition (Room 304/305)

11.30 - 12.00

Keynote 1, Johannes Uthoff-Hall

W. A. Rogers: Designing Robots to Improve Quality of Life for Older Adults

Advances in robot design have potential to support older adults but often are not designed with consideration for their interests, capabilities, limitations, needs, and preferences.  I will describe a framework for human-robot interaction that can guide the design process.  I will provide examples of our research focused on social and assistive robots supporting activities in the home including cognitive and physical support as well as telehealth applications.  I will discuss how robots can enable autonomy and independence for older adults with varying levels of cognitive and physical abilities.

12.00 - 12.20

Keynote 2, Johannes Uthoff-Hall

A. Ternès von Hattburg: Towards a Sustainable Future: Transforming Aging Societies for the Next Generation

Prof. Anabel Ternès delves into the pressing challenges faced by aging populations worldwide and proposes transformative strategies for creating sustainable societies. She explores innovative approaches in healthcare, and social systems that prioritize long-term sustainability. By fostering collaboration across sectors, the presentation outlines a vision for reshaping aging societies to not only meet the needs of older generations but also ensure a thriving future for younger ones.

12.20 - 12.40

Closing and Preview of ISG 2026, Johannes Uthoff-Hall

13.00 - 13.45

Lunch, Cafeteria, Building 4